Streamlining environmental inspections through technology

This environmental task force imagined a streamlined sanitation operations in their city. With our solutions geared for streamlining their inspection work, we were able to help them actualize their goals. This task force is assigned to inspect businesses and establishments whether they follow sanitation regulations. They issue environmental clearances and warrants and store them in their filing cabinets. They found this storage technique to be ineffective. This is where we came in and provided them with solution that includes digitization, mobile devices and applications for inspectors.
Digitization and EnProtect

The Solution
We digitized a total of 200,000 pages during the entire project. These digitized and indexed records were then uploaded to EDW. Apart from providing digitization service, we also helped in streamlining the work of the field inspectors and department officials. We supplied 58 ruggedized Android devices and portable Bluetooth printers. The inspectors could connect the printer to their mobile device and print out tickets immediately. Using the mobile app we developed, they also enter data digitally now, replacing the traditional paper forms. We also created applications to help department officials monitor field inspectors, assign them tasks, and track their work progress in real-time. Business intelligence reports were generated to help analyze performance of the inspectors and the issuance of environmental clearances.

The Results
This task force shows us how digitization and maximizing the benefits technology can help the environment and prevent potential health problems for the residents of the city. With the applications and tools for inspection provided by SVI, the task force was able to perform their inspections easily and issue clearances to rightful establishments.
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